Monday, July 21, 2008

A Day in the Life

I know that at least two of the five people that read this blog do not have children or are currently pregnant. I thought I would share with you a typical night with a one week old baby.

9 pm - Head to bed. Jackson has eaten by this point and is typically asleep. Because we are running the hottest hotel in Dalton, we have the benefit of leaving Jackson with the grandparents so that we can get some sleep before he needs to eat.

10:30 pm - Wake up. Get Jackson from downstairs. Check/change his diaper. Go back downstairs and get the BM (breast milk) from the fridge. Warm up BM. Feed Jackson while Kristina pumps. If he is still hungry, give him some formula.

11:15 pm - Hope Jackson is ready to go back to sleep. Most likely he'll have the hiccups so we can only lay in bed and listen too him. Even Kris, a heavy sleeper, cannot tune it out.

1 am - See above step. If we're lucky, the BM will have resulted in the other BM. Sometimes this step will include a complete outfit change, as Jackson has been known to "explore the space" beyond the confines of his diaper.

2 am - This time of the night usually brings about a crying fit where Jackson rants and raves about all sorts of topics: why is he wearing something called a gown? when will he get to meet other week old singles? why does Dalton have a curfew? why is it called Ovaltine when the jar is round and the glass is round? They should call it Roundtine. etc. During this time little sleep is had by the parents.

4 am - Another round of changing, feeding, burping, rocking and hopefully sleeping. Kristina usually shines during this time and is showing better stamina than I am. I need to beef up here.

6 or 7 am - Time to feed again. We have been passing Jackson off here to the grandparents so that we can get a few hours of sleep. I've been sleeping until about 9 am, giving me 4 or 5 hours of sleep total, which is ok. Nap time in the afternoon has been a must though.

So that is what the evenings look like at the Callaway house. Tonight will be a big test as I start back to work tomorrow. I'll let you know if I pass out at my desk following lunch tomorrow. Stranger things have happened!

A couple of new photos of our sweet guy:


Ben T said...

don't worry. He will eventually get the the questions:

If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?

Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

Why do croutons come in airtight packages?

When cheese gets it's picture taken, what does it say?

Rachel said...

Love the pictures! Hope the first day back at work goes well. See if you can figure out why we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway before Jackson gets too curious!

Kaycee said...

I'm so glad you posted more pictures! I'm glad your back at work tomorrow...we'll take it easy on you for a few days. : )

Anonymous said...

i didn't realize curtis was a cubs fan too... this could be a big year for you sir! (what? with the baby and all... i'm not jinxing my cubbies in the least bit. right? right?)

The Roaming Southerner said...

Thanks for the info!!! Very informative. Glad that Jackson is asking the tough questions early on.

BTW. love the cubs outfit!

M. O. said...

Glad to hear you have the grandparents around to help! Sounds like you probably wouldn't get much of any sleep otherwise...

Hope work is going well...probably about time for that afternoon nap. ;)

Congrats again, and when I have a kid one day in the far future, I'll be sure to have answers on hand for all of the deep philosophical questions of the 1 week old.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Aww! He's so cute and so HUGE! I don't know about cute singles in Dalton, but I know of a cute 13 month old in VA! Let us know when Jackson starts using the computer. Then he can learn all kinds of cool stuff from playing in the doggie bowl! (See :)

Love you guys. Wishing you lots of sleep!


Britt said...

Love the new photos -- nice color coordination on the family shot. :) Hope to meet the little guy later this summer/fall when I make my way down to GA.

Anonymous said...

Its official I am going to start reading your blog! K, are those BM's ultimate or not?! (hint: ultimate manilow) Love you guys and can't wait to see the man baby en vivo! Lauren and Alex

Anonymous said...

He is so sweet! And don't worry, the sleep thing really does get better, I promise. Next time yall are in Columbia, let me know. I would love to drive over and meet the little guy...or should I say big guy.

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!!! I wanted to come up and see the lil guy before I went on vacation, but I know how the whole "we could be sleeping at any point in the day" thing goes for a while. Don't worry, you'll get use to 4 hours of sleep and short naps during the day. And yes, it's possible to curl up under your desk at work during lunch. Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the birth of your beautiful son Jackson. You have so many wonderful things to look forward to.
Hope all is well and look forward to meeting him when you visit Danville again.
God bless you and your son.
Jeff, Sarah, Jeffrey and Catherine Haley

Flour Guy said...

More pictures! Nothing since Monday and now its Thursday. Need more pics! --Gramps

Dyan said...

Congratulations Guys. Your post reminds me of why I want too be childless for the rest of my life. Well, maybe not the rest of my life. Once I'm over sleep I'll give it a thought.

reddchurch said...

y'all hang in there! our baby is 8 gets better!! last night he slept 5 hours and then after a 2:30 feeding he slept another 4! yippee

now who knows what tonite will be like ;)
