Tuesday, February 3, 2009

6 Month Video

I put together a slideshow of some of our favorite images from the first 6 months. I've been meaning to but up a video like this for a long time and have finally gotten around to it. I really hope you enjoy it. For some reason, it gets really dusty in the room whenever Dad watches this. I guess I need to clean up around here.

I also need to plug the band who's song is used: Sister Hazel - Green (Welcome to the World)


Bitsy (aka Elizabeth) said...

This is the BEST movie I've seen in years!!!!! Precious. Missed him Sunday.

Melissa said...

I like that Sister Hazel song, I've never heard it before. Cute pictures - Jackson is getting so big!

I did all of that photo editing on our pictures in Photoshop after I took the pictures. We have Photoshop CS4, but I believe you can do all the same stuff in Photoshop Elements, and I've heard you can download a free trial of that program if you want to play around with it. Or, Denny may be able to tell you how to download it all for free... if he knew how to do something like that... which I'm not saying he does... because that would be against the law. :-)

Anonymous said...

EVERY picture which came up...I would think to myself..."Yeah, that is the best one!"

You have a beautiful family and I never, ever tire of seeing you whether in person or on the big screen!


Rachel said...

tears - as if I haven't shed enough of those recently. thanks callaways!

Kristin B said...

Love it!

Suzanne said...

You did a great job with the video. He is so precious!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I definitely cried too....I love that little man so much. Sorry I have been MIA these last few weeks, studying......it takes the life out of me. Thanks for the socks btw! I will call you Thursday and let you know how I did on my exam...pray pray pray :) Love you
- Lauren

Jenn said...

Love the video/slideshow!!!!

He's such a cutie!!!!

Curtis said...

thanks for everyone's comments. we've been so behind with the blog lately. travel, sickness, projects around the house, and general laziness have set it. thankfully, kris is trying to keep us on track with the blog. reading your comments makes me thankful to have friends and family like you guys.

