Well our little (figure of speech) man was 8 months old Sunday! I can't believe how quickly time has passed. The 7th month was a rough one. He had 2 ear infections, a stomach bug and cut 3 teeth. We were at the doctors office more that I wanted to be and the pharmacy knows me really well. We are just now catching up on sleep (so many long nights) and starting to see a happy baby again. Things are looking up for the Callaway family! I finally got to the breaking point and called in the troops. My mom, dad and brother came to visit and help us out. My aunt and grandmother also came for a day and were a big help with Jackson and with comic relief. Carlos came to see us after a trip to the grand canyon and was sooo good with the man. I probably shouldn't have been surprised but you just never know with 19 year old boys. JWC just loved him and Carlos developed a signiture move that made Man stop crying every time! Thanks Los!!
Man is starting to crawl! He can get up on all 4's for a short time but mostly just pushes himself backwards. I guess you have to start somewhere! I should be getting in shape because I have a feeling this kid is going to run us ragged! We are looking forward to all the great times to come as he grows up. We are so blessed to have him and love him so much!